Let us derive a method for solving for the eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and eigenspaces of a given matrix.
We know that for a given eigenvector v, Av=λv
However, we have 2 unknowns: v and λ, so we try to eliminate one of them.
We can re-write the equation as Av=λIv
where I is the identity matrix. We then subtract Av from both sides.
Factoring out the v, we get
We observe that v is in the null space of the matrix λI−A. Since we know that any eigenvector v is non-trivial, we have to make sure that the null space λI−A is non-trivial as well.
Recall the Invertible Matrix Theorem, which states that if the null space of a matrix is non-trivial, its determinant must be 0. Therefore, to solve for the eigenvalues, we use the equation det(λI−A)=0
det(λI−A)=0 is called the the characteristic polynomial of A because it is a polynomial in λ. To find the eigenvalues of a matrix, we find the roots of the characteristic polynomial det(λI−A)=0.
Sometimes, an eigenvalue λi can appear multiple times as a root. We define the algebraic multiplicity of the eigenvalue λi to be the number of times λi appears as a root in the characteristic polynomial.
Observe what happens if an eigenvalue of A is 0. Then, det(0I−A)=det(−A)=0⟹det(A)=0. Therefore, a matrix A has an eigenvalue of 0 if and only if A is non-invertible.
If A is a triangular matrix, we can easily find the eigenvalues of A. Assume that d1,d2,…,dn are the entries along the diagonal in such a matrix. From cofactor expansion, we know that det(A)=d1d2…dn. This means that det(λI−A)=(λ−d1)(λ−d2)⋯(λ−dn)=0, so d1,d2,…,dn are the roots of the characteristic polynomial, i.e. the eigenvalues. The eigenvalues of a triangular matrix are its diagonal entries.
We first find the roots of the characteristic polynomial.
Using cofactor expansion along the first column, we get
What and why
Taking our previous example, we have the following eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Once we have all of the eigenvalues λ1,λ2,…,λn of a A, we can find the eigenvectors associated with each eigenvalue by using the equation (λiI−A)v=0. In fact, we are basically finding the basis vectors for the null space of λiI−A for i=1,2,…,n.
If the dimension of the null space of λiI−A for an eigenvalue λi is larger than 1, we will expect to have multiple eigenvectors associated with the same eigenvalue λi.
We therefore define the geometric multiplicity of an eigenvalue to be the dimension of the associated null space of λiI−A.
Let us try to find the eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and eigenspaces of the matrix A=100−10−1223.
Therefore, the eigenvectors associated with λ1=1 are 100 and 121. Since there are 2 eigenvectors associated with λ1=1, we say that the eigenvalue λ1=1 has a geometric multiplicity of 2. The eigenspace corresponding to λ1=1 is E1=span⎩⎨⎧100,121⎭⎬⎫.
111 is the eigenvector associated with λ2=2, which has a geometric multiplicity of 2. E2=span⎩⎨⎧111⎭⎬⎫.
Imagine a matrix A represented a state transition matrix, and we want to find out the steady state. We would have to calculate limk→∞Ak, but matrix multiplication is a very tedious process. If we could express A as a product of 3 matrices, PDP−1, where P is an invertible matrix and D is a diagonal matrix, then we could easily find the limit. Assume A=PDP−1, that is A is diagonalizable.
Calculating Dk is very easy; in fact, for any diagonal matrix D=d10⋮00d2⋮0⋯⋯⋱000⋮dn, Dk=d1k0⋮00d2k⋮0⋯⋯⋱000⋮dnk, so we just need to find the k-th power of each diagonal entry in D.
Let A∈Rn×n, D=d10⋮00d2⋮0⋯⋯⋱000⋮dn, and P=[p1p2⋯pn].
We recognize these equations as the definitions of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Therefore, the diagonal matrix D is just a matrix with the eigenvalues of A along its diagonal and the invertible P is just a matrix with the eigenvectors of P as column vectors.
If (λ1,v1),(λ2,v2),…,(λn,vn) are the eigenpairs of the matrix A, then D=λ10⋮00λ2⋮0⋯⋯⋱⋯00⋮λn and P=[v1v2⋯vn].
Note: Order matters! The eigenvector vi in the i-th column of P must correspond to the eigenvalue λi in the i-th column of D.
We would then need to find P−1 by finding the inverse of P.
Let's now see what happens if we want to calculate Ak. For this, we will use the row vectors of P−1, which we will define as P−1=q1Tq2T⋮qnT. We know that
We could express Ak as a sum of matrices piqiT scaled by the respective eigenvalue to the k-th power λik. If λi<1, then limk→∞λik=0, so we could basically eliminate the matrix associated with λi<1 from the above equation because its scaling factor λik approaches 0.
We can therefore diagonalize 100−10−1223 as PDP−1, where D=100010002 and P=100121111. Finally, we have to calculate P−1.
Also note that there are multiple ways to diagonalize the above matrix. We could have just as well diagonalized it where D=100020001 and P=121111100. Just make such that the eigenvector in the first column of P is associated with the eigenvalue in the first column of D, that the eigenvector in the second column of P is associated with the eigenvalue in the second column of D, etc.
We note that a matrix A∈Rn×n is only diagonalize if it is square and has exactly n eigenvectors. This leads to two conclusions about the diagonalizability of a matrix A:
If A has nunique eigenvalues, then it must have n eigenvectors, so it is automatically diagonalizable.
If the sum of the geometric multiplicities of all eigenvalues of A equals n, i.e. A has n eigenvectors, then A is diagonalizable.
Note: Even if the sum of the algebraic multiplicities equals n, this does not mean the A has n eigenvectors. Take A=[1011] for example. The characteristic equation is (λ−1)2=0, so λ1=1 has an algebraic multiplicity of 2. However, Null([0010])=span{[10]}, so the geometric multiplicity of λ1=1 is only 1. In general, number of columns in A≥sum of algebraic multiplicities≥sum of geometric multiplicities